Samir Parikh

Samir Parikh

Professor of Law

Professor Parikh's research and writing focus on a variety of business law and bankruptcy issues, including mass tort restructurings, fraudulent transfer law, forum shopping, and municipal distress.

Professor Parikh is a nationally recognized expert on mass tort restructurings and business reorganizations. Cornell Law Review recently selected him as a co-organizer for its 2024 symposium, "Mass Torts Inferno: New Battle Lines in the Resolution Debate." He has also served as a co-organizer for symposia hosted by the University of Pennsylvania Law Review and Fordham Law Review.

His scholarship has been published in leading law reviews, including the Yale Law … Read more »

Professor Parikh's research and writing focus on a variety of business law and bankruptcy issues, including mass tort restructurings, fraudulent transfer law, forum shopping, and municipal distress.

Professor Parikh is a nationally recognized expert on mass tort restructurings and business reorganizations. Cornell Law Review recently selected him as a co-organizer for its 2024 symposium, "Mass Torts Inferno: New Battle Lines in the Resolution Debate." He has also served as a co-organizer for symposia hosted by the University of Pennsylvania Law Review and Fordham Law Review.

His scholarship has been published in leading law reviews, including the Yale Law Journal Forum, the University of Pennsylvania Law Review, Northwestern University Law Review, Cornell Law Review, Duke Law Journal Online, and Fordham Law Review.

In 2022, Professor Parikh was invited to join both the American Law Institute and the American College of Bankruptcy. He is one of fewer than 15 individuals to be admitted to both organizations.

On September 19, 2023, Professor Parikh testified before the Senate Judiciary Committee on the hearing topic, "Evading Accountability: Corporate Manipulation of Chapter 11 Bankruptcy." Further, On February 8, 2022, Professor Parikh was invited to testify before the Senate Subcommittee on Federal Courts, Oversight, Agency Action, and Federal Rights. He provided a Written Congressional Statement on the hearing topic, "Corporate Efforts to Side-Step Accountability Through Bankruptcy." He frequently provides expert commentary for national media, including The Wall Street Journal, 60 Minutes (on background), The New York Times, Bloomberg News, NBC News, Law360, The Financial Times, and The Deal.

Professor Parikh's 2020 article, Bankruptcy Tourism and the European Union's Corporate Restructuring Quandary: The Cathedral in Another Light, was published in the University of Pennsylvania Journal of International Law and is the culmination of his work as a Fulbright Schuman Scholar at Oxford University. The article was one of eight articles selected to be part of the Oxford Business Law Workshop Series (Trinity Term).

Professor Parikh is the Editor-in-Chief and an original contributing author for Bloomberg Law Bankruptcy Treatise.


Before entering legal academia, Professor Parikh practiced complex financial restructuring at Latham & Watkins and Milbank, Tweed, Hadley & McCloy in Los Angeles, California and Baker Botts in Houston, Texas. While in private practice, Professor Parikh's representations included the following engagements:

• In re Lehman Brothers Holdings (counsel to official committee of unsecured creditors)
• In re Aloha Airlines (counsel to acquirer of assets)
• In re Station Casinos (counsel to debtors)
• In re Adelphia Communications Corp. (counsel to financial advisor) Virgin Airlines (bankruptcy advisor)
• In re Kmart (counsel to primary landlord)

Professor Parikh holds a JD from the University of Michigan Law School. After graduation, he was a law clerk for the Honorable Alan M. Ahart of the United States Bankruptcy Court for the Central District of California.

Expert Witness Engagements:

Professor Parikh served as an expert witness and consultant in numerous cases, including:

• In re Diocese of Rochester (bankruptcy expert)
HotChalk v. Concordia University (expert for plaintiffs regarding fraudulent transfer law)
Turnage et al. v. Mississippi Power Company (expert for plaintiffs regarding various business law matters, including civil RICO claims)
In re NexxLinx (expert for defendant regarding fiduciary duties and related business law matters)
Bloodworth v. Tyfone (expert for plaintiff regarding fiduciary duties and fraudulent transfer law; testified in court)
Htaike v. Sein (expert for plaintiff regarding various business law matters, including civil RICO claims)
Guire v. Humphries (expert for debtor regarding various bankruptcy issues and attorney malpractice)
McKay v. Humphries (expert for debtor regarding attorney malpractice claim)
• Advisor to Association of Oregon Counties regarding municipal bankruptcy legislation
• Advisor to Bankruptcy Venue Reform PAC regarding federal legislation
• Advisor to foreign government regarding comprehensive revision of local bankruptcy laws.


  • JD, University of Michigan, 2001
  • BBA, University of Miami, 1997



  • Examples & Explanations for Bankruptcy and Debtor/Creditor, Seventh Edition (2018) (with Brian Blum).
  • Bloomberg Law Bankruptcy Treatise (2018).



  • 3rd-Party Financiers Have Power to Drive Mass Tort Cases, Opinion Piece, Law360 (February 8, 2024).
  • The Day-In-Court Ideal is Distracting from Victim Recovery, Opinion Piece, Law360 (March 16, 2023).
  • Why Bidding Format Can Be a Problem in Section 363 Sales, Opinion Piece, Law360 (January 4, 2023).
  • Bankruptcy is the Optimal Venue for Mass Tort Cases, Opinion Piece, Law360 (February 28, 2022).
  • Mass Tort Defendants Exploit Bankruptcy Rules to Avoid MDL, Opinion Piece, Law360 (April 14, 2021).


Samir Parikh
Contact Information

Worrell 3127